Courses Start At
Inside U.S. 866.480.7223 Outside U.S. 678.804.8835
Frank Hawley

Challenge - 06.1This has been a great year! We’ve covered the country from California to Washington to Pennsylvania with lots of places in between.

Our first full season with our Dragster Adventure thrilled drivers and produced some fabulous side-by-side racing and our school is still the only place student drivers can race dragsters in “side-by-side” competition.

Take a look at the video of the John Force Corporate Adventure day. You’ll see John with his daughters Courtney and Brittney and his team driver Robert Hight enjoying a day with their sponsors at our school.

Our school is the perfect place for you, your friends, customers or employees to join in the activities during the Adventure programphoto 3s.  We can plan a private session just for your group!

The fall weather is spectacular here in Florida. We’re enjoying 70 degrees and sunshine while many people are stuck in the “polar vortex”. So treat yourself to a trip to Florida. We have a full schedule of classes in everything from Super Comp and Super Gas to our 200 mph Alcohol machines.

Many dates and locations have been finalized for 2015, so if you can’t make it to Florida this winter (although you should really try!), take a look at our other locations and decide what other race track will work for you or your group.

photo 5.12015 will mark our third decade of providing excitement, thrills, education and fulfillment of many drivers’ dreams. We would love to help make it a memorable year for you behind the wheel!

We look forward to hearing from you!




For those of you who were not been able to attend the International Drag Racing Hall of Fame ceremony this year, or missed the recent airing of the program on MavTV, thank you to Masters Entertainment Group for doing this show and posting it on Inside Drag Racing for everyone’s enjoyment.  The segment on a small portion of Frank’s speech starts at 6:50 minutes.  Click on the video below to watch – Enjoy!

And to see who the 2015 inductees are, click on the following —




Our friends at John Force Racing put this video together for us after the Corporate Day we did for them in Las Vegas this summer.

Click on the video link below to view – you’ll love the ending with John and myself!  Enjoy!


 The Dragster Adventure Challenge with Side-by-Side Racing works great for a corporate day.  There are lots of options and track locations available.  Contact us and let us help you put together an unforgettable day for your company or group!


photo 3We have confirmed a number of 2015 class dates at Gainesville, Phoenix, Fontana, Denver, St. Louis and Norwalk! More dates will be finalized soon at these and some additional tracks. Please check our website for a class date near you – !

And don’t forget you can visit us in Gainesville this fall and winter and enjoy the Florida sunshine!  We will be running our popular “New Year’s” class on December 30-31, 2014, where you can earn your competition license in your car or our Super Comp or Super Gas cars to 7.50!

For those wanting to move up to faster cars, we have a number of dates available for the Top Dragster, Nostalgia Funny Car or the Alcohol Funny Car or Dragster in Gainesville.

Upcoming Class Dates –

November 4-5, 2014 Super Comp/Super Gas – Gainesville, FL
November 19-20, 2014 Top Alcohol Dragster – Gainesville, FL

December 2-3, 2014 Super Comp/Super Gas – Gainesville, FL
December 4-5, 2014 Pro Stock Motorcycle – Gainesville, FL
December 4-5, 2014 Top Dragster – Gainesville, FL
December 30-31, 2014 Super Comp/Super Gas – Gainesville, FL

January 20-21, 2015 Super Comp/Super Gas – Gainesville, FL
January 22-23, 2015 Top Dragster – Gainesville, FL

February 3-4, 2015 TD/FC/Alky – Gainesville, FL
February 10-11, 2015 Super Comp/Super Gas – Gainesville, FL

March 2-3, 2015 Super Comp/Super Gas – PHOENIX, AZ
March 4, 2015 Dragster Adventure – PHOENIX, AZ

March 17-18, 2015 Super Comp/Super Gas – Gainesville, FL
March 19, 2015 Dragster Adventure – Gainesville, FL
March 24-25, 2015 TD/FC/Alky – Gainesville, FL

April 15-16, 2015 Super Comp/Super Gas – FONTANA, CA
April 17, 2015 Dragster Adventure – FONTANA, CA

June 10-11, 2015 Super Comp/Super Gas – DENVER, CO
June 12, 2015 Dragster Adventure – DENVER, CO

June 17-18, 2015 Super Comp/Super Gas – ST. LOUIS, MO
June 19, 2015 Dragster Adventure – ST. LOUIS, MO

July 20-21, 2015 Super Comp/Super Gas – NORWALK, OH
July 23, 2015 Dragster Adventure – NORWALK, OH
July 24, 2015 Dragster Adventure – NORWALK, OH

Additional Top Dragster/Alcohol dates on request…

More 2015 dates coming soon!

Contact us at 866-480-7223

Frank - Pomona 1982 cropNostalgia drag racing has experienced tremendous growth over the last several years and one of the most popular categories is Nostalgia Funny Car. With so many new teams and drivers entering this class, Frank Hawley’s Drag Racing School is now offering training specifically for aspiring Nostalgia Funny Car drivers. “We’ve offered training in both Alcohol Funny Cars and Dragsters for years,” said Hawley. “Many of today’s NHRA Pros trained at our TAFC program before entering the NHRA Nitro Funny Car class. Over the last few years we’ve also licensed several drivers in our alcohol cars that were headed to the Nostalgia class. There are however a few differences between driving a pedal clutch, 3-speed alcohol car and a centrifugal clutch car. So we have developed a program that will provide drivers with the exact same routine they will be using in the Nostalgia cars. The car is set up to drive like a Nostalgia car, complete with a Crower centrifugal clutch.”1512MG_08431 “I had a great time racing the Chi-Town Hustler with Austin Coil back in the 80s. Those cars were a blast to drive. And I even got a chance the past few years to get behind the wheel of the restored Chi-Town Hustler owned by Troy Martin. It’ll be a lot of fun to help drivers get up to speed to race in the Nostalgia Funny Car class. Also, the class will prepare and license drivers for any fast 125″ wheelbase car. There are many drivers that race these cars in an index class and this will be the perfect program to get them started in the right direction,” said Hawley. If you’d like more information on this or any other program, contact the school at 866-480-7223.

photo 5.1

Seems our last news left off with us heading to Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, OH where we had a terrific license class and Adventure program! Our 2-day license class had a range of experienced racers bringing their own cars to students just getting 15.1




Next, our guys headed to Seattle for media rides for the 3rd Annual Rainier Cup at Pacific Raceways during the NHRA O’Reilly Northwest Nationals, followed by a great Super Comp/Super Gas licensing class the following week.



Then it was back home to Auto Plus Raceway in Gainesville, FL where the Top Alcohol Funny Car was put to work.  Welcome our newest TAFC driver – Denver!


As you read this we are at Maple Grove Raceway running a Super Comp/Super Gas license program, followed by our Dragster Adventure. Then back to Auto Plus Raceway for a Corporate Dragster Adventure, a SC/SG class, a TAFC class and then it will be out to Auto Club Dragway for the final west coast trip of the year.



Quotes from Recent Grads:

“I was impressed with how well everyone progresses in a short time. As a 35 plus year veteran of bracket racing I picked up some pointers and had a great time. Frank does a great job of keeping your attention politely explaining mistakes and also telling them they did good also.” ~John and Lisa

“Just want to say thank you so much for the exhilarating and informative experience. Frank has a very unique way of teaching his subjects ( I am still trying to absorb all of it). I recommend anybody to experience Franks drag racing class.” ~Wayne

“I can’t say enough about the school and Frank I will be 64 this year and can honestly say I have never met anyone like Frank if this school was available when I was young and I took the class my life would certainly have taken a different course. I have never seen so many good people in a school of any kind and it’s amazing it radiates from Frank to all staff and students.” ~Larry

“ Just wanted to say thanks for the wonderful experience, and fulfilling a dream I had thought unobtainable. The class was tremendous and very informative. Frank and his crew were great and the way you worked with my wife to arrange this was instramental in achieving my strong passion of being behind the wheel of a real drag car. Franks teaching goes further than the track, I have noticed changes in my daily driving and thinking, I have a great sense of accomplishment and confidence. Thanks again.” ~Gerald

Upcoming class dates – give us a call at 866-480-7223 with any questions or to schedule a date!

September 23-24 – Gainesville, FL – SC/SG
October 9 – Fontana, CA ** Dragster Adventure
October 10 – Fontana, CA **Dragster Adventure (sold out)
October 15-16 – Fontana, CA – SC/SG
October 17 – Fontana, CA **Dragster Adventure (sold out)
October 28-29 – Gainesville, FL – TD
November 4-5 – Gainesville, FL – SC/SG
November 21 – Gainesville, FL **Dragster Adventure
December 2-3 – Gainesville, FL – SC/SG
December 4-5 – Gainesville, FL – PSM
December 4-5 – Gainesville, FL – TD
December 18-19 – Gainesville, FL – PSM
December 18-19 – Gainesville, FL – TD or Alky
December 30-31 – Auto Plus Raceway, Gainesville, FL – SC/SG



220px-Jon_Cavaiani_2004There are likely thousands of people far more qualified to write this than am I. I never served in the armed services, although I have tremendous admiration for those that currently serve and those that have. I did not know Jon Cavaiani his entire life but was fortunate enough to meet him several years ago and got to learn what an amazing man he was. And I’d like to remind the racing community that this past week our country lost a true hero.

I was introduced to Jon by Roger Burgess a number of years ago. Roger, also a vet, served with Jon for several years and the two had become close friends. Roger had also been a big supporter of the Medal Of Honor Society of which Jon was a member. When I was first introduced to Jon I must admit I was a little nervous however Jon made it instantly apparent he did not see himself as an important person. He was welcoming and not the least bit intimidating. His voice was raspy from a battle injury, his walk was stiff from another battle injury, his smile was huge and his handshakes and hugs were bigger. He laughed all the time.

I was working with R2B2 Racing at the time and Roger would host several Vietnam vets at each race. Jon would fly in for these ‘get-togethers’ to meet and spend time with each of the vets. If you took time to stand back and watch the interaction between Jon and the Vets it was amazing. They of course had the utmost respect for him but he also did for them. He was so giving of his time. He would talk to them about Drag Racing or their family or their time in the service or anything else. It was on these weekends that I also got to spend time with Jon.

I might guess that you don’t know the details of Jon’s story, his time as a POW, or why he was selected to receive the “Medal of Honor”. I think you should. You should buy a book about all of the Medal of Honor heroes or at the least search the internet and read about some of their stories, especially Jon’s.

One important point I’d like to share about the MOH members. They didn’t “win” the Medal Of Honor. It wasn’t a contest. It wasn’t a lottery. They didn’t do what they did, to earn the Medal of Honor. Not one of them was seeking this prestigious award. What they did was demonstrate incredible courage to protect and save the lives of others while placing their own lives at risk. It was a selfless act.

Jon pointed out to me once that there were definitely many, many more acts of selfless courage that never got reported simply because no one survived to tell the story.

The last time I was with Jon was in Washington DC. A friend of ours, Bob Pence, hosted a “Christmas Concert for the Troops” at the Kennedy Center. My wife, Lana and I were told we could bring a guest. We immediately thought of Jon. I was not sure if he would make the trip across the country for one night but I called to ask. He said that if it was a tribute to the “troops”, he’d be there. That night at the Kennedy Center I saw, among many others, a US Army General wait in line to shake Jon’s hand. I sat next to Jon while he was introduced to the audience of thousands which gave him a standing ovation and when the evening was over I watched him slowly descend a flight of stairs carefully holding the railing. I asked him if he was hurting tonight? He laughed out loud and said he was always hurting! Jon was a man who gave everything and asked for nothing in return.

I remember being at a race with Jon. We’d lost first round and exploded a motor. I was sitting in the pits more than a little dejected. Jon walked over and asked what was wrong. I told him we’d had a bad day. He smiled kindly, put his hand on my back and said, “Frank, I’ve seen bad days…this isn’t one of them.”

If you never got to meet Jon, I wish you had. He would have added something to your life.

Last week there were 80 living Medal of Honor recipients. This week there are 79.

To Sergeant Major Jon Cavaiani, a man who lived in the arena…thanks for your kindness and service.

We already miss you.

Frank Hawley

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”    ― Theodore Roosevelt


photo 7Our guys and the “Hawler” have been racking up some miles already this year. During the last few months we’ve held license classes, Dragster Adventures and Corporate programs at Auto Plus Raceway in Gainesville; Auto Club Dragway in Fontana; Royal Purple Raceway in Houston; Atlanta Dragway (private corporate group), John Force Racing Corporate Group (pictured below) in Las Vegas; Gateway Motorsports Park in St. Louis; and now we’re off to Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk where we’ll be holding our popular two-day Super Comp/Super Gas photo 1license class, a corporate adventure and our popular Dragster Adventure!

Then we’ll be heading to Seattle to do media rides for the 3rd Annual Ranier Cup with class the week following the NHRA O’Reilly Northwest Nationals at Pacific Raceways.
photo 3

In between regular classes we’ve been having some fun working with Discovery Canada (full release soon) and Top Gear !

Attached is a short video produced by one of our grads from our June Super Comp licensing class at Auto Club Dragway in Fontana, CA. It’s a very nice piece with some aerial shots from a ‘drone’ camera. Click on the following link to watch. Hope you like it!


Here are some upcoming class dates – give us a call at 866-480-7223 with any questions or to schedule a date!

August 6-7 – Seattle, WA – SC/SG; August 19 – Gainesville, FL – TAFC; August 26 – Gainesville, FL – TAFC;
September 3-4 – Reading, PA SC/SG; September 5 – Reading, PA **Dragster Adventure;
September 23-24 – Gainesville, FL – SC/SG; October 10 – Fontana, CA **Dragster Adventure;
October 15-16 – Fontana, CA – SC/SG; October 17 – Fontana, CA **Dragster Adventure;
October 28 – Gainesville, FL – TD; November 4-5 – Gainesville, FL – SC/SG;
November 21 – Gainesville, FL **Dragster Adventure; December 2-3 – Gainesville, FL – SC/SG;
December 4-5 – Gainesville, FL – PSM; December 18-19 – Gainesville, FL – PSM
December 30-31 – Auto Plus Raceway, Gainesville, FL – SC/SG

IMG_2250The country’s best known Drag Racing School is returning to Pacific Raceways in Kent, WA! The school will be holding its most popular course, the two-day Super Class on August 6-7, 2014. “We can’t wait to get back to Pacific Raceways”, said school founder and instructor Frank Hawley. “Washington state is one of the most beautiful in the country and we love visiting there. We’re really excited to be able to offer this program to the racing enthusiasts in the Northwest,” continued Hawley.

Many people come to Frank Hawley’s for race training and NHRA licensing, but the course isn’t limited to aspiring professionals. “Although we train a lot of serious racers, this course is for everyone. Some folks don’t need an NHRA license. They’re just looking for excitement and challenge,” said Hawley. “I wouldn’t want anyone to feel intimidated if they didn’t have any ‘fast car’ or racing experience. Every class we run has a range of drivers, from those with a solid racing background to some that have never seen a drag strip before,” continued Hawley.

No experience is necessary to take the course and several spots are available for drivers to participate in the class utilizing their own car for training as well.
If you’re looking for a racing license, Frank Hawley’s Drag Racing School offers NHRA licensing courses in Super Comp and Super Gas. A driver can obtain his/her NHRA 4A and/or 4B license upon completion of the two-day course and be certified to compete as quick as 7.50 seconds in a quarter mile.
This class is known as the “Super Class”, the school’s most popular program. Graduates have gone on to be many of today’s top sportsman and professional drivers throughout all of the drag racing sanctioning bodies across the globe.

The curriculum, designed and instructed by Two-Time NHRA Nitro Funny Car World Champion Frank Hawley, includes classroom instruction, progressively faster runs down the strip and video reviews of each student’s runs.

Those new to drag racing will learn basic techniques and procedures and more experienced racers will master the mental challenges. Frank Hawley teaches students how their minds and bodies work while training each class to think, act and perform like champions.

As with any of the Frank Hawley’s Drag Racing School classes or locations throughout the U.S., space is limited and must be booked in advance. Interested parties are urged to reserve their seat as soon as possible to ensure they don’t miss their opportunity to work with the Two-time NHRA Nitro Funny Car World Champion, Frank Hawley.

To view our Super Class video or obtain more information on all available classes, dates and locations for Frank Hawley’s Drag Racing School, visit the school’s website – – or call 866-480-7223 (Outside U.S. 678-804-8835). The school’s also on Facebook, Twitter @Frankhawleydrs and YouTube!

Frank Hawley’s Drag Raphoto 8cing School will return to hold its most popular course, the two-day Super Class, at Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, Ohio. The one and only 2014 stop for the school at the premiere NHRA facility will be held July 21 and 22.

“There are different reasons drivers attend our courses,” said school founder Frank Hawley. “Some are looking to get a competition license while others just want to drive a fast dragster and check another item off their bucket list. Every class has a combination of experienced racers and folks that have never been down a drag strip. The course is designed to work for drivers with various levels of experience.”

“We hold our classes at many NHRA tracks. The staff, as well at the entire Summit Motorsports park facility, is one of the best you’ll find anywhere in the country,” said Hawley. “The Bader’s make us, and our students, feel very welcome and give us a superb surface in which to conduct our course.”

The two-day Super Class allows drivers of all backgrounds the opportunity to earn their NHRA competition driver’s license in the school’s Chevy Performance 572/720R equipped Super Comp Dragster or Super Gas Firebird, with some drivers even leaving the class with both licenses, all while being able to take in Hawley’s Personal Performance Development lectures.

No experience is necessary to take the course and several spots are also available for drivers to participate in the class utilizing their own car for training, as well.

As with any of the Frank Hawley Drag Racing School classes or locations throughout the U.S., space is very limited for the class to be held July 21-22 at Summit Motorsports Park. A few seats are still available, so don’t miss the opportunity to work with the Two-time NHRA Nitro Funny Car World Champion, Frank Hawley, when the school makes its one Ohio stop for 2014.

See our complete list of all upcoming class dates and locations on our website or call us at 866-480-7223!



© 2014 Frank Hawley Drag Racing School. All rights reserved.
A PC House Production