Courses Start At
Inside U.S. 866.480.7223 Outside U.S. 678.804.8835
Frank Hawley

School Christmas Drawing by Brando-webWe are very grateful for all the friendships and relationships we have made in the past and we look forward to making many more!  Thank you for your support and patronage!  We wish here you a Blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with Peace and Happiness!

Merry Christmas from Frank and Lana!

Luke 2:9-11 – And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them…And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Hello Folks,

I got a call from “Big Daddy” Don Garlits himself, telling me that I’ll be inducted into the International Drag Racing Hall of Fame next spring!  This is “very cool”, especially when you read the list of previous inductees!  Check out my letter!  Hall of Fame 2014

The banquet is Thursday, March 13, 2014 during the Gatornationals.  So if you’re going to be in town, contact the Garlits Museum and get some tickets.  Hope to see you there!

Frank Hawley


Hello Folks! We’re back at home in Gainesville, Florida for Fall and Winter classes and I wanted to announce some great pricing for our Super Classes! At $1495 that’s a savings of $500! The weather this time of year is awesome! Sunny, low humidity and in the 70s and 80s. It’s a perfect time to visit us, get ready for next year…and have some fun. Super Comp/Super Gas class dates/Gainesville, FL: November 12-13, 2013; December 9-10, 2013; December 30-31, 2013; January 16-17, 2014; February 11-12, 2014; March 18-19, 2014 (after Gatornationals). Give us a call at 866-480-7223! I look forward to seeing you! Frank Hawley

Attached are two stories from the July issue of MoparMax Magazine – the first one is by one of our grads, Alex Rogeo. Alex attended our class in Las Vegas this spring and we thank her for the very nice and detailed article she wrote!

The second link will take you to an interview with Frank by Richard Kratz, Editor/Publisher of MoparMax. Enjoy!

Contact us for information on all our classes at 866-480-7223! Or visit our website at

We’re heading to Houston, then on to Las Vegas for classes!   This will be our last road trip of 2013.  There are still some seats left, so contact us soon…we’d love to see you at one of our classes!  Bring your own car, drive one of ours or get a “tune-up” during our classroom lectures.  Click on the link below for information.

Houston Pre-Release 2013



We’re going to be back at Maple Grove Raceway in August, so don’t miss out!  Whether you bring your own car, drive one of ours or tune up your mind with our classroom, we’d love to see you August 27 & 28 at the Grove!

Just click on the link below to access the story:

Maple Grove Pre-Release 2013

Contact us at 866-480-7223 to answer your questions or schedule a class.

SC and SG Class Dates:   Seattle August 7-8, Maple Grove August 27-28, Gainesville Sept 10-11, Houston September 24-25, Las Vegas Sept 30-Oct 1 & Oct 2-3, Gainesville October 17-18, Gainesville November 4-5, Gainesville December 9-10.

PSB Class Dates:  November 21-22 and December 19-20

TAD and TD dates available on request

A great time was had by all in attendance at the Mickey Thompson day at Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, Ohio!  Check it out below!

Mickey Thompson Entertains Their Customers at FHDRS 2013

If you or your company would like to discuss having the school put on a day for your company or group, please contact us – lots of options are available from having Frank come and speak to your folks, to a private class, to a ride-along program.  Many options are available.  Contact us at 866-480-7223 and we’ll look forward to helping you with your plans.


                        Audiences, students and racers agree, Frank’s lectures have provided them with some of the most insightful and useful information they have ever received!

Please click on the link below for information on having Frank speak to your group at any location !

Frank Hawley Speaking Engagements 2013

  We’ll look forward to speaking with you at 866-480-7223.

We hope you enjoy this short update from our recent class at Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, OH!

Just click on the link below to access the story:

Norwalk Class News

Contact us at 866-480-7223 to answer your questions or schedule a class. We hope to see you soon at one of our upcoming classes!

SC and SG Class Dates: Gainesville July 9-10, Denver July 24-25, Seattle August 7-8, Maple Grove August 27-28, Gainesville Sept 10-11, Houston September 24-25, Las Vegas Sept 30-Oct 1 & Oct 2-3, Gainesville October 17-18, Gainesville November 4-5, Gainesville December 9-10.

PSB Class Dates: November 21-22 and December 19-20

Dates for TAFC, TAD, TD and TS available on request

This will be our first time holding class in SEATTLE!  We’re bringing our Super Class to Bandimere Speedway in Denver, CO July 24-25 and Pacific Raceways in Kent, WA August 7-8!  This is a great opportunity for you folks in Western Canada and on the US west coast to attend the school!

Please click on the links below to access the stories:

Denver 2013

Coming to Seattle 2013

Contact us at 866-480-7223 to answer your questions or schedule a class.  We hope to see you at one of our upcoming classes!

SC and SG Classes include:   Gainesville July 8-9, Denver July 24-25, Seattle August 7-8, Maple Grove August 27-28, Gainesville Sept 10-11, Houston September 24-25, Las Vegas Sept 30-Oct 1 & Oct 2-3, Gainesville October 17-18, Gainesville November 4-5, Gainesville December 9-10.

PSB Classes include:  November 21-22 and December 19-20

Dates for TAFC, TAD, TD and TS available on request!


© 2014 Frank Hawley Drag Racing School. All rights reserved.
A PC House Production