Courses Start At
Inside U.S. 866.480.7223 Outside U.S. 678.804.8835

More than Just “How to Drive”

fh_frank_photo_2If you’re considering attending one of our competition courses, I’d like to let you know that the course involves much more than simply ‘how to drive’ a car.  Of course we’ll teach you that and we’ll do it better than anyone else.  However, I see the time spent with students as an opportunity to share valuable lessons I have learned that have helped me change my outlook on competition and winning.  Lessons that have helped improve my performance in all areas of my life.

Over the past 3 decades our goal has been to develop the finest racing instructional program in the country. We’ve spent countless hours building a curriculum that many of our students say is the best motivational and inspirational training they have ever experienced. The methods used at our programs work to unleash the full potential of each person. Our course goes beyond, far beyond the race track

Through our instruction, students develop a stronger understanding of themselves, their minds and their bodies. Anxiety, nervousness and fear of poor performance are replaced with calm, control and confidence. Age, gender and background are irrelevant. The desire to improve one’s personal performance is all that is needed.

We have studied human behavior, physiology, psychology and neuropsychology and combined this research with what we have learned from years on the race track.  We have arrived at a winning formula that will not only improve your driving performance, it may just change your outlook on life.

Does this sound like a lot to promise?  It does…but our programs deliver. Just find one of our graduates (there’s over 25,000 of them) and ask them. These folks are our best endorsement.

– Frank Hawley

Frank Hawley’s Bio

© 2014 Frank Hawley Drag Racing School. All rights reserved.
A PC House Production